Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I have this photo album on Facebook titled Artsy. It's a compilation of random captured moments/ things/ people/ etc which I believe showcases the photographer in me :) I'm posting some here in my blog! The quality of the photos aren't excellent though :( Coz I don't have a dslr YET but I'm buying soon! After college (I'm fourth year now), so it's really soon :) I can't wait to own one! You my co-bloggers understand me much, right? A great camera makes blogging more fun and motivates us to blog more often especially every time we see how our blog posts appear really good with quality photos on it! YAY! the loquacious me is becoming unstoppable now. Hahaha. Better show you the photos before this post turns into a novel :)))) Here they are...

Why not have a compilation of your's too? :)


1 comment:

  1. Hey I saw you on Bloggers and your blog is so nice! I'm following you :D

    Check mine
    I'm still new at blogging but it would be nice to have you as blog buddy :)


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